The 28th ISTE International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering (TE2021)
5 - 9 July 2021
Virtual Conference hosted by the University of Bath, England
Transdisciplinary Engineering for Resilience: Responding to system disruptions
Submit an Abstract
Abstracts required by January 19, 2021
Preparing your abstract submission:
Title: The title conveys the main topic of the research. It should be concise, descriptive, and grammatically correct. Periods should be avoided, instead authors can use commas, colons or dashes. The conference attracts participant from a wide audience. Therefore, avoid abbreviations and jargon that those outside of your field may not understand.
Abstract: The abstract contains a summary of the entire paper and can be a maximum of 200 words. Abstracts should consist of a single paragraph with any abbreviations defined. Where possible you should apply the following structure: A background to the societal challenge your approach or solution is intended to solve, a brief description of the methods including details of the disciplines and stakeholders who were involved in creating the approach or solution, the principle results, then conclusions including the expected societal impact.
Keywords: The Keywords are chosen by the author and should provide a key insight into the content of the paper. Given the nature of the conference it is expected that the term “Transdisciplinary”, either on its own or together with another word(s), should be included.
Click here to submit an abstract
**The date for notifications of abstract acceptance is 26th January 2021. Further information on submitting your final paper will follow.
For your information, the paper template is available to download from the Easychair abstract submission webpage . Papers should be a maximum of ten pages which should include references